What We Do

Marketing & Branding Activities

We conduct awareness building activities at the ward, block, and village council levels to attract the attention of potential trainees. Following are some activities we have done as part of awareness building

  • Educating the community through various stakeholder consultations like Gram Pradhan
  • Reaching out to target beneficiaries through various information, education, and communication activities
  • Marketing campaign through extensive use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram etc.
  • Media marketing such as print, radio and television, among others
  • Actively involving the local community in planning for various activities and initiatives


We ensure that changing industry dynamics is incorporated at appropriate places while delivering the training programmes in the target sectors. Apart from this, we involve industry players for consultations around following key areas:

  • Teaching and learning strategies;
  • Teaching, learning and assessment resources;
  • Expectations for the current industrial skills and knowledge required; and
  • New and innovative areas where technology and/or techniques change rapidly
  • Field visits to gain practical insights
  • Organizing On-the-Job training (OJT)